How can Occupational Therapy Help?
Focus on Play
OT believes that children learn best through play. OT practitioners have a skilled expertise in incorporating therapeutic intervention into fun, exciting, and engaging activities. Most kids have no idea they are “going to therapy”. They just think it’s fun!
Use of Evidence Based Practice
OT builds their interventions based on up to date, high quality research, as well as clinical expertise, and the client’s preferences, beliefs, and values.
Sensory integration (S.I.) aligns with OT’s philosophical roots
S.I. should be embedded into your child’s everyday routine, which is perfectly aligned with OT’s belief of “occupation based activities”, meaning therapy should be a part of things your child already does every day. For example, mealtime, getting dressed, play, etc.
Gain Independence
OT can help a child gain independence in all areas of their life through some of the following:
Fine motor skills
Emotional Regulation
Visual motor skills
Daily living skills (feeding, toileting, dressing)
Social Skills